Free cohabitation between single parents
What is a Single-parent family ?
You are single ? Single parent with one or more children ? Solo dad or isolated mom ? You then form with your child, a Single Parent Family. First, know that the number of single-parent families has grown steadily for forty years. More precisely, this corresponds to one in four families according to INSEE !
More than 3.4 million minor children live in these new homes.
Thus, to meet financial needs, a separation generally implies that each of the parents is working. It is often complicated to combine work and family life.
This is why working but also thinking about picking up children from school, carry them to cultural or sporting outings, helping them with their homework, shopping or coming home in time to prepare meals and put them to bed make days a permanent race against time and form a daily stress that is difficult to keep up with.
Solutions to simplify your life !
- Housing for Services guaranteeing you daily targeted assistance
- Single-parent flatsharing allowing you not to find yourself alone after a separation while sharing the daily costs
- Monoparentale Cohabitation offers the help of an adult who is also a parent. Benevolent and sharing the same issues, this person brings a concrete solution to everyday problems.
Dare to exchange.
Live the sharing.
Housing in exchange for services
What type of single-parent cohabitation ?
First, “accommodation for services” is an alternative type of rental. This allows an owner or a tenant (with the agreement of his owner), to make all or part of his accommodation available free of charge (or against a moderate rent) in return for services rendered.
These services can be: Home Sitting, Home Help, Baby Sitting & Baby Sitter, DIY & Small Work, Animal Care or Pet Sitting, Day Care, Night Care, Child Care, Elder Care, Handicapped Care, Child Care Property, Gardening, Housekeeping, Shopping, Ironing, School Outings and School Support.
Finally, single-parent cohabitation forms the junction between single-parent cohabitation and Housing for services. Thus, a single parent, father or single mother with one or more children can welcome for free in exchange for specific help (lessons, cooking, tutoring, support, etc.) another single parent. This is to be able to exchange skills and services in return for accommodation for himself and his offspring.
The idea is to offer a living space based on solidarity, mutual aid, support, involvement and valuing each other’s experiences.