Maison en Corse contre bons soins animaux

( Reference: 015701 )

Maison en Corse contre bons soins animaux
Pascale C.

registered since January 9, 2025

Olmeto - France

for 1 month or less

You will be able to contact Pascale C. after you have logged into your account

Type of housing : House

Shared space: Whole House

6 maximum traveller

8 rooms

4 beds available

Service(s) requested


Amenities provided

Private kitchen
Private bathroom

About the housing

Nous avons besoin pendant approximativement 15 jours, d'une personne ou plus, pour garder nos animaux pendant nos vacances.

Rules of use and behavior

S'occuper de 2 chiens, 2 chats et 3 poules!